Dear guest,

We warmly welcome you to our website. It should give you a bit of the atmosphere that awaits you with us - typical Greek hospitality, courteous service and a relaxing ambience. Our menu has the tasty and spicy delicacies from the kitchen of Greece ready for you. Looking through our menu you will also find other dishes to choose from. And if you are unable to stay with us but still want to enjoy our dishes, you can order all take-away dishes by telephone. But don't forget to try an ouzo first. We recommend red country wine from Crete with the meal. If you have any requests, please contact us or one of our employees. We strive to always make every guest happy. We look forward to your visit and wish you a pleasant stay. Your family Michelakakis and team





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Restaurant Fesstos

Cuxhavener Str. 41521149 Hamburg Neugraben-FischbekPhone +49 40 701 82 61Email info@fesstos.de

Opening times

Mon & Wed - Sat17:00 - 22:30
Sun & National holiday12:00 - 22:30
